Welcome to Parenting@Catholic. This new web platform is the home for information about resources and support available at Catholic Universityto pregnant and parenting undergraduate students, graduate students, staff, and faculty.  Here you will find links to relevant Universitypolicies, an updated Pregnancy Resource Guide for students, and information about the Guadalupe Project. Please keep checking back to this site, which will continue to grow over time with the addition of spiritual resources for pregnancy and parenthood, information about events of interest, and many other resources and supports for Parenting at Catholic.

May God bless you and your children!  We are so glad you are a part of our Catholic Universityfamily.


Think you may be pregnant? We're here for you. Download our Pregnancy Resource Guide for Students.

We pledge that a pregnant unmarried student at Catholic Universitywill be met with support and love. The Universitystands ready to accompany any pregnant student through her pregnancy by assisting her with her material, spiritual, psychological, and physical needs, as well as with continuing to pursue the completion of her academic program. No pregnant mother – and no expectant father – on our campus should feel alone, and none will be alone if they allow the Universityto walk with them through this season.

The Guadalupe Project

The Guadalupe Project creates an environment of accompaniment and support on campus from new parenthood on, across all the challenges that arise in family life, for all Catholic Universityfamilies — from our undergraduate and graduate students, to our faculty and staff, to those in the wider Catholic Universitycommunity. 

Learn more about the project