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The Doctor of Sacred Theology (S.T.D.) in Historical Theology is an academic degree conferred only after a student with a basic theological competence in a specialized area of historical theology has demonstrated ability for further scholarly research and publication. The S.T.D. program consists of a limited number of seminars chosen with a possible dissertation topic in mind, ongoing direction from a faculty adviser, and the preparation and defense of a dissertation that contributes to theological scholarship.  


The Doctor of Sacred Theology in Historical Theology program typically requires at least 36-credit-hour plus dissertation of coursework. 

The curriculum for University's Doctor of Sacred Theology (S.T.D.) in Historical Theology is designed to provide an advanced, comprehensive education in the field, emphasizing original research and scholarly publication.


  • Duration: Four semesters of residence are required, or two semesters if the S.T.L. was earned at University.


  • Credit Hours: A minimum of 12 credit hours of doctoral seminars (800-level) and continuous registration for dissertation guidance.
  • Proseminars: Attendance in four proseminars, if not previously completed during S.T.L. studies.

Language Requirements:

  • Ancient Languages: Proficiency in Latin and Greek.
  • Modern Languages: Reading ability in German and a Romance language (French, Italian, Spanish) or another relevant modern language for research purposes.


  • Requirements: Completion of language requirements and at least six credit hours of coursework.


  • Proposal: Approval by the director and two readers, followed by area faculty and the Dean.
  • Defense: Oral examination on the dissertation topic, known as the "lectio," followed by a public defense of the dissertation.

$1,250 / credit hour

More information about this degree is available on the or by request from our Admissions team.